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The Future of Legal Practice in the Caribbean – Catalyst for Regional Success?

Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica December 13-15, 2018

Monetize. Organize. Globalize

We are bringing together renowned local and international speakers in their respective fields to educate conference
delegates in a format encouraging inspiration, stimulation, and interaction.

Conference Stream #1

The Law as a Facilitator of Business and Development

These sessions will focus on the operational side of the legal and justice system. This conference stream will offer interactive discussion and thought leadership on the keys to success for stakeholders. Discussions on contemporary legal topics will be also be examined through regionally relevant lenses. These robust offerings will also extend to emerging economic issues which have significant implications for attorneys and their clients.

Topics are likely to include:

  • Judgment Delayed is Justice Denied
  • Business Organisation and the Corporate Veil
  • Insolvency No Longer a Threat To Business Enterprise -Secured Creditors and the Appointment of Receivers under the Jamaican Insolvency Act 2014
  • Emerging Issues and Best Practices in Real Estate Law
  • POCA and the Free Movement of Money
  • The Obligation and Procedure for Article 214 Referrals to the CCJ
  • Habeas Corpus – Has it Lost its Value?

Conference Stream #2

Legal issues pertaining to intellectual property

Join us for a gathering of IP thought leaders, and their stakeholders, as the Caribbean continues to grapple with measuring, monetizing and, most importantly, working with creators to ensure their assets are protected and enforced. Listen to the plans for the future, hear the challenges faced by those working on active projects and learn about the solutions that are working for others.

Topics are likely to include:

  • Exploring the Means by which IP Law facilitates Exploitation of our Greatest Assets
  • Monetising and Protecting our Creative Industries
  • Employment Contracts: IP at Work (and Play)
  • The New ‘Green’ Economy – Making the Most of Marijuana
  • The Social, Cultural and Economic Ramification of Geographical Indications
  • IPL Evolutions in Health and Agriculture
  • The Business of IP Law in Sports
  • The Caribbean’s Global IP Strategy- Where are We Now?
  • IP and International Trade
  • Business Development and IP
  • Principles of Criminal Copyright Litigation
  • Principles of Civil Copyright Litigation
  • Forms of Digital Piracy: Internet Streaming, Cyberlockers, Linking Sites and Botnets
  • Issues in Copyright Protection and Enforcement in Caribbean Intellectual Property

Conference Stream #3

Facilitating Access to Justice

This conference stream examines how access to justice continues to be a critical focus in the practice of law and justice delivery. Speakers for these sessions will reflect on recent developments and innovations and posit how to best prepare for the emerging challenges and opportunities on the access to justice agenda. The Conference offers an opportunity to consider how the judiciary, lawyers and other stakeholders can continue to efficiently deliver high-quality services and improve access to justice for all.

Topics are likely to include:

  • The Future of Justice is Digital
  • Technology as a Tool for Accessing Justice
  • Problems of Attorney-Client Confidentiality in the Age of Electronic Communication
  • Procedural Rules as a Facilitator and not a Hindrance to Justice
  • Facilitating the Attainment of Relief through Administrative Orders
  • Case Management as an Aid
  • Facilitating the Utilisation of Expert Evidence
  • Disclosure as an Instrument of Fairness
  • Cross-Border Practice & Accessibility of Legal Services