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Caribbean Spotlight Initiative

The CCJ Academy for Law (CAL) collaborated with the UNDP to commence the Caribbean Spotlight Initiative geared toward increasing the level of safety and support for victims/survivors of violence against women and girls.

The Spotlight Initiative is a global initiative of the United Nations which aims to foster the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls using a transformative and evidence-based approach. The project was launched by the UNDP in the Caribbean in partnership with the CCJ Academy for Law. The project sought the expansion of Sexual Offences Courts, training in gender responsive adjudication for Caribbean judicial and legal personnel and awareness-raising activities to engage young men.

Mrs. Diana Shaw (pictured) was appointed as project consultant and tasked with execution of the project’s training initiatives. Training sessions were conducted virtually by Mrs. Shaw, supported by the Academy, with the Judiciaries of Belize, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda and Guyana.

The project culminated in the staging by the UNDP of a conferenced titled, “Knowledge Fair: Empowering Voices, Ending Gender-Based Violence”. The conference took place from 6-8 November 2023 in Barbados. Mr. John Coombs attended on behalf of the Academy and presented on the topic, “The Use of Specialised Justice and Police Processes to Address GBV in Select Caribbean Countries”. Mr. Coombs also moderated a breakout session on the topic, “Male Engagement and Masculinities in the Caribbean”.

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